My Journey
Hej there, it’s great to meet you! I’m Lena.
I was about 16 when I started to crochet. My first project was supposed to be an owl. But it didn’t look anything like that. Still from that moment on, with this precious creepy thing in my hands, I coulnd’t stop to crochet anymore. During the years of figuring out who I am and what path I should go the only constant in my life was crocheting. Everything I know is self tought and with every mistake I make I get better and better.
This weird hook helped me finding many answers about myself. It’s a handicraft with it’s roots deep down to the core – it feels spiritual to create pieces of art out of nowhere. All it need is a hook, some yarn and a pair of hands full of trust. It feels amazing to be able to create your own clothes, useful things or simply decor and precious creepy things!

My Mission
I can say that I have finally found my kinda way in life and to crochet lead to so many answers for that! I wish every one of you finds your own way and if you are still looking – maybe crochet can get you answers too?! I want to share my work with you and grow with you. I know that I need your help to grow and so do you probably (you can always text me if you need help with something or if you can help me with mistakes you found in my patterns etc.) so lets grow together! I love writing my own patterns but every then and now I just as much love to relax while working along a pattern I found online. Especially Mandalas – they are the most calming thing to crochet that I know. What is yours?
Combining this old craft with nature feels natural to me. I spend a lot of time in the forest – it not only inspires me, but holds so many presents! Feathers, sticks, beads, fibres and so on… They all find place in the mandalas I create (and sell). In some of my patterns I include tips on how to include nature into your crochet work. I hope to get more people out there, crafty or not.
We need to reconnect with our Mother Nature

My Contacts
If you like to work on a new design together – or would like me to design something for you – send me a message! I would love to work with you.
You can also reach out to me for any questions about crochet, other crafts or nature. I’m always happy if I can help!
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